Personalise lists and recorded macros/shortcuts

• Dec 1, 2018 - 21:55

There are a number of lists within Musescore.
Instruments, transposing etc
I would like to personalise the order of these lists to reflex what I am doing
They are obviously in the order that you think is important but that is not important for me. Things I want are mostly at the bottom of lists.
It looks as if in V3 Beta I can amend the list but I cannot find it.
Perhaps it should even remember what is use most.
It would be nice to be able to repeat things you do the most.
I am used to being able to record macros in Excel.


Can you be more specific about which lists you want to customize? Some already are, others have search facilities available. You can also customize keyboard shortcuts. Give some specific use cases and we can see if we can find ways to do what you want.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Actually I no longer need to because people have been giving me all sorts of useful tips.
I supposed it is the list of instruments mostly. I use the same four all the time.
At least it is easier in Beta because for the Early music option there is no need to scroll like in V2. For some reason the scroll function does not always pick up what I choose so I have to do it several times. The other list was the intervals for transposing, the octave is at the bottom again I failed to pick up my choice and then nothing happened, but now I have been told of the key board short cuts I will never need this ever again.
Once suggestion is the Tip of the day.
When I was learning Excel it came up with a tip every day, and so I learned more and more a bit at a time
The list of key board short cuts is not very easy. You have to know that there is one to find before you can find it. I could do with a complete list.
I have a pdf list of them but it does not have the transpose up an octave on the list,

In reply to by citizenz

Yes, to be clear:

Templates mean you never need to set up those same four instruments again, just save oneof your scores to your Templates folder and then it will be available for use every time you create a new score. And octave transposition is indeed just a keyboard shortcut away. Not sure which PDF you have (one generated by MuseScvore? that would be hard to read, but the shortcut should be there), but try this one, which I designed to be more human-readable:

"Raise pitch an octave" is listed right in the middle of the "Note Entry" section.

As for "clippy", I do hope you haven't disabled the "tours" that come with MuseScore 3. Only a handful of them right now, but they are meant to be useful (and they even mention the Ctrl+Up/Down shortcut). I plan to add more before final release.

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