Ability to select top or bottom notes of multiple single voice chords.

• Dec 1, 2018 - 22:34

If we can already do this I've never figured out how. If I've got a bunch of c major triads, and I want to make f major triads, it would be much easier if I could select them all, the somehow keyboard ninja my way into selecting all the top notes - g - knock them all up to a, select all bottom notes to knock the c up an octave, select all bottom notes again to make the e into f.

As it is, you have to carefully click every note individually, which is a pain.


To select every A or A4 in a selection,

select the measures
right click the note
Choose select>more...
Check the proper boxes (make sure you include in selection and in voice if applicable)
Click OK

You now have the proper notes selected.

All arrow key combinations, delete and and accidentals work on these selected notes.

Hmm, if I follow that literally, it sounds like you are talking about going from root position C to root position F.
If so, wouldn't it be easier to just select them, then hit up arrow to transpose the whole selection at once? What's trickier is to do this more musicially, with say root position C going to second inversion F, so you need to raise the pitch of the top two notes only (E+G to F+A) while keeping the common tone C at the bottom. For this, the method mike320 mentions works, although it's some work. If it's just a repeated series of chords all some duration, might be easier to make make the change to the first manually, then use "R" to repeat it as often as needed.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I was just hypothetical-ing. Sometimes selecting the whole chord and moving it up works, sometimes it doesn't. String stops, it'd be really useful to go to top or bottom of chord. I used to use a different notation program, and it had this ability - I used it all the time, it made things easier when dealing with copy pasting a melody that might be in sixths in one stave, but the other stave has it in thirds.

Just seems like a nice thing to have.

In reply to by Laurelin

Understood. There is also the possibility of using Explode followed by Implode, if you don't mind creating some temporary staves for the purpose. Or the trick mike320 mentioned. The idea of adding something to Select / More to handle this more directly has come up before, but thus far no one has actually implemented it.

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