Build failure on current master

• Dec 2, 2018 - 19:41

A clean build of the current master (commit 1b1912) fails for me (OS X, Qt 5.9.7) with error messages:
- redefinition of 'Score'
- redefinition of 'Preferences'
on file inspectorplugin.h

Does anyone know what is causing this / how to fix it ?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Sounds like a good idea. The only facts I know for sure are:
- am using Xcode 8.1 and Qt 5.9.7 on OS X El Capitan (10.11.6)
- up until commit a4e6ad8 of Nov 22 building with CMake 3.4.3 worked OK
- as of commit 1b1912d of Dec 1 the build was broken (a.o. error "redefinition of 'Score'" on file inspectorplugin.h
- upgrading CMake from 3.4.3 to latest (3.13.1) fixed it
Note that I do not know what commit broke it, what the root cause is and what the minimum CMake version is that solves it. I do agree that the information summarised above could be useful to other Mac developers and should be added to the Developers' handbook.

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