Auto set Horns, Trumpets, Timp to atonal Key Sig?

• Dec 5, 2018 - 04:05

It'd be nice if I didn't have to local all of them at the beginning, and then local them all again at every key change. Maybe we could set the templates for orchestral scores to default to no key sig for these, at least? Bands give them key sigs usually, but orchestras never do because the transpositions are all over the place.

And timpani are drum enough that having a key signature on their stave is an actual bug. Required timpani notes are notated via text, the timpanist tunes his drums to them, checks to see where he might need to do a mid-piece retuning, and after that... it's like glorified tom-toms(sorry). Key signatures are not useful to a timpanist.


I agree, an atonal check box next to the hide key signature check box would make notating orchestral music much easier.

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