Paste a second part into a measure (i.e. alto voice) without losing the first part (soprano).

• Dec 17, 2018 - 17:56

I'm trying to add another part to a score, I'm not sure of the search terms I should be using to find the answer in the online handbook.
It's JS bach bwv 847, Fuga II from the Wohltemperierte Klavier book 1. The version I am used to keeps the top 2 voices of the fugue in the upper staff (treble clef) even though for several measures the second voice is played by the left hand. The musescore version I would like to edit has moved the second voice to the bass clef portion of the staff. I can flip the tails on the notes of the first voice (they aren't written as chords to distinguish the parts) but I don't know how to add the notes or even rests of the second part to the upper staff.


You need to put the part you are copying into voice 2 and use the filter selector (F6) and copy only voice 2, then paste to the other part. Hint: Keep everything but voice 1 checked and it will work and remember to check "All" before you press F6 to close the selection filter.

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