Barres de reprise non prises en compte entre SEGNO et Da SEGNO

• Dec 23, 2018 - 13:15

Bonjour j'ai écrit une partition avec des reprises et quand je mets un Dal Segno qui me renvoie au Segno mes barres de reprises ne sont plus prises en compte. Que faire ??

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Google translate (BTW. the French forum is just around the corner, 3rd door to the left, at ;-)

Hello I wrote a score with times and when I put a Dal Segno that sends me back to the Segno my bars are not covers taken over. What to do ??
Thank you

Hmm, not a good translation. I guess this is about repeats not taken after the jump, right? That is the standard behavoir, but can get changed, by enabling 'Play Repeats' on that D.S. in Inspector

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