User unfriendly

• Dec 28, 2018 - 20:49

All I want to do is add notes to a musical score. Make a lead sheet.

Why do you make so damn difficult?


I agree. There is a tipping point for me, difficulty vs need, difficulty is way higher than my need. Could I figure it out, of course. I just don't want to spend that amount of time learning software full of features I don't need, or want. I need something a little more intuitive, simple. Wish there was a basic music notation entry mode.

In reply to by amakenm

You seem to speak English. English has thousands of words you don't need, including many you (or I) probably haven't met yet. Well-designed languages and user interfaces have more function than you need, but make it necessary to only learn about as many features as you need at each level of familiarity. Little kids can "speak English (or French, Arabic, or Mandarin)" without knowing "floccinaucinihilipilification" or "triskaidekaphobia", but they're there if you need them. I think MuseScore is a such a well-designed interface.

In reply to by amakenm

You wrote:
I need something a little more intuitive, simple. Wish there was a basic music notation entry mode.


My first use for MuseScore was to print blank manuscript paper!!
My needs were simple.

I was bewildered by the gigantic manual, but discovered that these forums are populated by users willing to help distill all that info for your specific need - whether you are struggling to notate a full orchestral symphony, or a pop tune lead sheet.

Let us know how simple you want to get and someone here will be able to point you in the right direction (and away from the features you don't need or want).


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