Meine Anregungen und Bitten bzgl. Version 3

• Jan 6, 2019 - 14:01

Professionelles Layout der Mehrtaktpausen wäre noch nice (wie ich es in den beiden angehängten Dateien zusammengetrickst habe, auf Nachfrage kann ich den Trick verraten). Tricksen geht wie in Version 2, wenn das Layout aber automatisch wäre fände ich das angenehmer.

Neuer Schlüssel vor der ersten Note in einem Takt geht leider nicht mehr (Ich bevorzuge bei Stichnoten den Schlüsselwechsel mit der ersten Note im Takt und nicht mit dem Takt (so, wie in der Angehängten Datei mit Fl1 im ersten Takt oder in der Datei mit Fag1 in Takt 21 und 53 gemacht habe), das sieht meiner Meinung professioneller aus). Wenn das Problem behoben (z.B. das man die Automatische Positionierung für Schlüssel in den Stileinstellungen deaktivieren kann) ist steige ich insgesamt auf Version 3 um, ansonsten werde ich für Orchesterstimmen weiterhin Version 2.3.2 verwenden müssen, auch wenn es da beim Speichern zumindest am Zeilenbeginn auch nicht hält.

Attachment Size
WAB 26-1 Fl1.pdf 64.66 KB
WAB 26-1 Fag1.pdf 69.78 KB


The original question, translated into English by Google Translate:

"Professional layout of the multi-beat pauses would be nice (as I have tricked in the two attached files, on demand I can reveal the trick). Tricking is like in version 2, but if the layout would be automatic I would find it more comfortable.

Unfortunately, a new key before the first note in one measure is no longer possible (I prefer the key change with the first note in the measure and not with the measure (as in the attached file with Fl1 in the first measure or in the file with Fag1) in bars 21 and 53), which in my opinion looks more professional). If the problem is fixed (eg you can disable the automatic positioning of keys in the style settings) I am on the whole up to version 3, otherwise I will still have to use version 2.3.2 for orchestral parts, even if it is there when saving at least at the beginning of the line also does not stop."

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Neither did I notice.

Here a little Correction of the Translation:

Professional layout of the multi-bar pauses would be nice (as I have tricked in the two attached files, on demand I can reveal the trick). Tricking is like in version 2, but if the layout would be automatic I would find it more comfortable.

Unfortunately, a new key before the first note in one measure is no longer possible (I prefer the key change with the first note in the measure and not with the measure (as in the attached file with Fl1 in the first measure or in the file with Fag1) in bars 21 and 53 and not as bar 88 in Fag1), which in my opinion looks more professional). When the problem will be fixed (for example if you can deactivate the automatic positioning of keys in the style settings) I will completely go to version 3, otherwise I will still have to use version 2.3.2 for making orchestral parts, even if it is there when the key posistion with the first note of a system changes to a key change with the system when you save, close and reopen a file.

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