Louré vs Portato vs Tenuto-Staccato

• Jan 9, 2019 - 17:58

Why have you been calling portato alias tenuto-staccato louré for some time? Is that what the Dorico/SMuFL people called it? I think most people would call it portato. Louré is a very typical string term. Others may still identify it as dance (written without accent). Portato would therefore be the more sensible term. Lilypondians also call it portato. But before that leads to a "dispute" the most neutral would be to call it tenuto-staccato and to put portato and louré in brackets. In German localization (e.g. in articulations, mouse over texts) not everything is translated there (above instead of "oberhalb/obendrüber"), if you can translate it.


Indeed SMuFL is the reason (not Dorico, but this comes from the same people). And indeed there are still 86 strings in the German translation that are not translated, this is amongst them. Basically because I couldn't make up my mind how translate it or whether at all ;-)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That means it can't be changed because of SMuFL (knew the Dorico boys were responsible)? Very unfortunate, as I said for non-strings no understandable expression. Of course, you look more at the symbol, but you have to name it again later for the keyboard shortcuts. I will have a look at the 86 strings (...on Transifex?)

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