My File Won't upload.

• Jan 11, 2019 - 06:49

Okay, this all started months ago. I had a fairly decent sized score uploaded to my profile (350 KB) and I wanted to update it. I made a very small change, maybe changing only a few measures, so I tried updating the score with a new file. It was uploading for hours but it eventually just showed me a "Page not Found" error and I had to delete the score entirely. I've tried re-uploading the score over 10 times but I just get the same error. I wait for hours and hours for the score to process, but it just gives me "Page Not Found." I've tried uploading directly through the website, through musescore itself with "save online." I even made an entirely new file from scratch and copy and pasted everything into the new file. It still gives me the error. I've had no problem uploading bigger files, but musescore just seems to hate me right now. I've tried contacting support, but they were not any help. I'm currently using musescore 2.3.2. I just want to upload my score.

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