Very funky formatting/layout of Musescore windows on 16" MacBook 2021.

• Jul 31, 2024 - 12:57

This is very recent behavior, discovered as I was trying to change noteheads to include solefège.

Musescore window content is cut off on the edges of windows or peculiarly sized and positioned in windows.

Please take a look at the attached. You'll see the borders of the main window cut off on the top and bottom. A very funny sized and positioned cursor in the New Score dialog, and in the dialog box (window) for adding solefège to noteheads you'll see no Apply or Cancel button.

Can anyone help me with this?

OS: macOS 14.5, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.3.2-241630832, revision: 22b46f2


Instead of images, which are of little use here in understanding what happens, attach please the score itself (.mscz file).

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