Changing Percussion to Timpani

• Jan 13, 2019 - 16:44

Hi everyone,
I'm writing a orchestral score in which I need the percussionist ("Percussions" instrument in Musescore, with 5 lines staff) to go to timpani and then come back to percussion, but even after an instrument change (Add -> Text -> Instrument change) I can't write pitches on a percussions staff. Is there a proper way to do it?


You have to add a new timpani instrument and add the notes to it. After all the notes are in both instruments you can use Hide Empty staves and only the staves with notes for the all instruments will be seen.

If you need to switch instruments and must have both the percussion and timpani on the same staff, you can insert a horizontal frame and set it's width to 0 to make it look like the instruments are on the same staff. You need to make sure no instruments are between the two for it to work.

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