Number row shortcuts using foreign keyboard layout

• Jan 30, 2019 - 09:43

I am from Slovakia, therefore i use slovak layout - that means the upper number row i used to change note values is +ľščťžýáíé instead 123--90. In ms3 i have a problem with keyboard shortcuts that contain keys in this row.. that's tuplets, intervals, changing voices, note values mentioned before...
In ms 2.1 this wasn't a thing.. is there any other solution than remap every shortcut, or using EN layout (which i'm not too familiar with)? Any "change layout" menu of which im not aware?
Thanks in advance.


The problem could get lost in the translation :D The thing is that I have laptop so no numpad..
And of course the problem is that if I hit 5 key in the number row, it registers "ť" instead of "5", so doesn't change the value to the quarter note.. it does change if I hold shift+"ť" (that's how slovaks type 5 without numpad :D ). alt+3 (or rather alt+š) doesn't insert the third above and so on. more complicated shortcuts, for example change to 2nd voice don't work even with shift...
hopefully it's clearer now and someone will now what should i do.. :)

Thank you all
Jojo you are right, having laptop doesn't exclude having numpad, but it's more and more common with thin&lights, pro-books or whatnot.. and that's my case :D
frfancha thanks, i'd have to redefine more than that, cause whole right side of my keyboard is filled with ´=äúň§ô-., instead of =-][\';/., so every shortcut that includes anything else than shift, ctrl, alt and letters would have to be changed..

the thing I don't get is that it worked in 2.1 and now i have to redefine it :( I know, "cry more about it" well when you are used to something it's hard to let go :D

there has been made this entry about this issue/"issue" -

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