How can I make a single page?

• Feb 1, 2019 - 06:57

I wrote a melody sheet for use when singing.

However, if I insert the title after completing the score, the page will increase from one to two.
(whatthe1-1.jpg, whatthe1-2.jpg)

I have adjusted the page options but have not decreased the number of pages
and have only decreased the spacing between lines.
(whatthe2-1.jpg, whatthe2-2.jpg)

How can I get the score to be completed on one page?

Attachment Size
whatthe.jpg 1.33 MB
whatthe1-1.jpg 1.26 MB
whatthe1-2.jpg 327.88 KB
whatthe2-1.jpg 1.27 MB
whatthe2-2.jpg 327.88 KB


Make the score smalle, by changing the space setting and that way fit more measures in one system, needing less systems
Maybe even reducing stretch will do this for you.
Really difficult to tell from pictures, easy with a real score

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