Changing the time signature in the middle of a glissando crashes the application

• Feb 11, 2019 - 05:06

This is reminiscent of the bug reported earlier ( where changing the time signature between a tie would cause a crash.

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a two-bar score with a harp part.
2. Set the time signature to 3/4
3. Create a glissando from bar 1 to bar 2
4. Change the time signature in bar 2 to 4/4
5. sad trombone

I've reliably reproduced this using the latest stable ( ), and have attached a simple score that demonstrates the issue.

OS: Windows 10 (10.0), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: a8b90a8

Attachment Size
TimeSigCrash.mscz 5.86 KB


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