How can I move measures backwards to previous lines?

• Feb 14, 2019 - 10:47

I have a measure at the start of my second line I want moved to the first line so line one has 5 measures, line two has 4 measures and line three has 4 measures. Eliminating line four which right now is just one really long measure. I've only been able to create line breaks and make more lines by stretching out measures which is sort of the opposite of what I want to do.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Measures.png 39.06 KB


First remove the system break, then, if still needed, decrease stretch of the measures you want in one system
Probably better to remove all system breaks, select the entire score except the 2st meassure and then use the tool to add system breaks every 4 measures (which would leave 5 in the 1st system)

The real solution is: select the measures that you want to add a backward measures (in your example, the measures of the second line, before de G7), go to design and use reduce wide simbol { , inmediatle the G7 measures moves backward

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