Saving score on ubuntu
I am new to both MuseScore2 and to ubuntu version of Linux. I have created a score using MuseScore and am having trouble getting ubuntu to save the file. The following message shows up when I attempt to save:
Open Temp File
failed: Permission denied\
I suppose this is an operating system problem rather than an app problem, but I am desperate for some insight into why I cannot save the doggone file.
Create a new folder, eg. Score2, and try to save in it
In reply to Create a new folder, eg… by Shoichi
Thanks for the suggestion. The system would not let me create a new folder in the MuseScore2 folder, so I created it in Documents. It worked. The score file is now saved and accessing it launches MuseScore.
Thanks, again,
You can't open a .temp file in MuseScore. Rename it without the .temp and you shouldn't have a problem. FYI, I don't know anything about Ubantu.
In reply to You can't open a .temp file… by mike320
Thanks to all.
Ownership of both the MuseScore directory and the Scores directory proved to be the problem. In changing ownership, not knowing any better, I used $USER instead of allen:allen, and changed to the parent directory each time, not knowing the syntax suggested for specifying the target. It seems to have worked, and God is back in his heaven.
Again, thanks to all.
(deleted now that the OP has solved the problem)
See #285735: Open Temp File (file location) failed: Bad File Descriptor