Plugin for version 3.0 - adjust page layout?

• Feb 21, 2019 - 17:11

Hello, we have a plugin for Musescore 1.x/2.x which adjusts the page layout:

var pageFormat = curScore.pageFormat
pageFormat.printableWidth = 5000 - margin / INCH
pageFormat.size.width = 5000
pageFormat.size.height = 2000

but pageFormat is no longer a key of curScore.

Is there a way to set the page format in a 3.x plugin? Thanks!

edit: I think I should add we're just doing this to get one continuous horizontal sheet with no page or line breaks. Maybe there's a better way to achieve this in Musescore 3.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ok. It looks like continuous mode isn’t the answer here.

The export works fine if we change the page format, I just can’t figure out how to do it in a Musescore 3 plugin.

It’d be possible to just parse the Musescore file ourselves and edit the page format there (it’s just an XML file), that’s not a very future-proof solution though. If it’s not possible we’ll just stick with version 2 for now.

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