objects moving after opening style window (and changing font)

• Feb 24, 2019 - 10:51

hi there,

every time if I open the style palette/window, all my rehearsal marks change position randomly. Directly after the style window is displayed, the marks have already moved.

In addition to that: every time I change the font (for any section), all my rehearsal marks move around, too.

I did also try creating custom text styles with border, but nothing helped.

is this a bug or a feature? ;-)
Thanks in advance. file attached.


Attachment Size
example_rehearsalmarks_moving.mscz 17.01 KB


I'm not sure of everything happening here, but there seems to be a few factors. First, you have turned off auto placement, which means the rehearsal mark should be stuck in the location you saved them at. This isn't happening. When I open the Styles menu, the rehearsal marks don't move, but as soon as I make any change, the rehersal marks jump to their default location as I would expect them to do if auto placement were turned off. The problem is that even if you turn auto placement on, they do the same thing.

@Mar Sabatella is currently working on issues similar to this. I don't know if he has run across this specific issue, but I hope he will see this and include it in his fix.

In reply to by mike320

thanks for your quick reply.
the movements occur both with "auto placement" turned on and turned off. Doesn't matter. But I had to turn it off because otherwise I'm not able to move my rehearsal marks to the left side position.

I hope this is going to be fixed soon. I've seen it's already on the bug list...

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