Simultaneous change of the duration of the notes.

• Feb 28, 2019 - 07:48

I would very much like to be able to change the duration of all selected notes at the same time. Is it possible?


No. It can quickly become ambiguous and MuseScore doesn't move the notes you change the duration of. Ambiguous, what happens when you select several eighth notes in a row and press 5? Remember, MuseScore doesn't move the notes.

There are plugins that allow you to double or halve the duration of selected notes, but it has problems. Hopefully it will be fixed when the plugins are fixed at some point.

In reply to by mike320

I was not talking about moving notes, but about simultaneously changing the durations. For example, select one or several measures with quarter notes, and change them all at the same time to eighth, as it happens when one note is selected.
Would love to have this opportunity. How it is implemented in "Sibelius".

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