Crash When Changing Instrument Patch/Patches & Bug - Musescore

• Feb 28, 2019 - 13:41

The following crash and bug only seems to happen after you change an instrument patch on a score:

I was changing an instrument patch in the mixer menu on an English Horn to an Oboe patch (don't know if this is relevant or not, so i thought I'd include it anyway) which managed to successfully be implemented. Having done this (and importantly saved!), I later closed the tab to open a different score and Musescore 3 crashed asking me for a crash report and details. I assumed it was just my computer, but this kept happening and I became suspicious of a potential bug.

After opening this score again (after the 1st crash), I noticed that all of the instrument parts had been changed (defaulted?) to the piano patch. I manually and successfully changed all of the patches back to their respective instruments only to find that (seeing as I'd altered the patches again) the program crashed when I tried to close it and the patches had once again reset to the piano when I re-opened the score.

As you can see, when you change one of the patches, you get into an infinite loop of altering the patches which is quite clearly a bug. I should also note that despite the crash, everything else on the score is properly saved and this only seems to affect the instrument patches.

I have included the file that I discovered this on for reference, but this also seems to happen to any score that you change the patch/patches on.

Hopefully this issue will be resolved by the Musescore team or if not, a work-around can be found.

Attachment Size
Pas de Caractèr.mscz 13.15 KB


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