Cues made invisible in score create blank measures when exported as PDF

• Mar 12, 2019 - 14:20

I am creating a string sextet arrangement of a Mozart symphony movement. When I put in a cue and make it invisible in the score (but visible in the part) and export the file to a PDF, the measure comes out blank.
Take a look at measures 7 and 8 in viola 2 and 'cello 1.
Is it possible to have the measure(s) in question come out with rests when doing this? I have attached both the Musescore file and the PDF exported from it.

Thank you for your help.


You need to put the cues in voice 2 leaving measure rests in voice 1. This is standard practice with cue notes in scores. This will leave the expected rests in voice 1 in the score when it is printed. You do need to adjust the rest in measure 8 for Viola 2 so it shows the actual rests leading to the 16th not that is not a cue and keep that note in voice 1 also. If you exchange voices 1 & 2 in those 2 measures you will mostly get what you want. All that will be left is to select the note in the viola 2 parts and press ctrl+alt+1 to move it to voice 1 and there rests will be fixed automatically.

After all of this is done, you can actually exchange voices 1 & 2 so all of the stems on the cue notes are pointed in the correct direction and the rests are not covered up, or just use the correct voices in my instructions above.

In reply to by mike320

Dear Mike320,

Thanks for your e-mail.

I tried the easier bar, bar 8 [numbering at bottom of screen] in ‘cello 1. I selected the 2-bar cue, pressed ctr+alt+2. The cue notes became light green but the rests ‘printed’ out as dotted 16ths and 32nds rather than whole note rests when I exported the file as a PDF. I attached the PDF hereto.

What to do?


Attachment Size
Mozart #29 2nd mvmt trial 0843.pdf 261.69 KB

In reply to by mike320

Thank you for your help. Your suggestions worked.
One question remains for me: sometimes, when entering cues in score and part I have to make the beams or stems/hooks invisible separately from the notehead. Is there a way to make a note (or series of notes) completely invisible with a single action?
Thank you.

In reply to by guarnerius4me

If you mean you want to make only the notes (along with their stems and flags) in voice 1 invisible but keep everything in voice 2 visible then use the filter selector. Open it by pressing F6. To make only the notes invisible remove the check from voice 2, you may also need to remove the checks from anything else that is selected that you don't want invisible like staff text or dynamics, they will turn black when they are not selected. Once the correct items are selected press V and they will turn invisible. The is an All button that turns gray when only some items are checked, click this to recheck everything before you close the selection filter or you will not be able to select groups of notes. You can of course, check any voice you want invisible and uncheck any existing voice you don't want invisible.

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