Version 3 files saved on-line do not play through in Mac/iOS/Safari.

• Mar 12, 2019 - 16:29

First file I created in the version 3 format:
Plays on-line fine but only when viewed with a Windows PC. On a Mac/Safari iOS/Safari, the file plays for a minute or two and then the audio restarts at the beginning and the score shading just continues on. (Will just loop perpetually and never finish). I've deleted the on-line file and uploaded it again multiple times. Same result.

Worse still, I can't get the files back to version 2 because once the files are saved in version 3, you're stuck.

Looks like the end of the road for Musescore for me. It was good while it lasted. No backward compatibility? RU kidding me!


Sorry to hear you are having trouble. It works fine for me on Windows, and that suggests the problem you are seeing is not with MuseScore itself but either with the web site, or very possibly a matter of the browser you are using (a cache that needs clearing? reboot?)

Anyhow, no need to give up, just do check your browser cache and if the problem persists, report to the issue to the folks at If there is a problem with the web site, I'm sure they will track it down and fix it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

As I noted, the file plays fine on the website from any PC I've tried. But it FAILS to play through to the end EVERY TIME on EVERY non-PC device I've tried to play it with: iPhone, iPad, and Mac Book. It's not a caching issue. I have never had this problem when uploading files created with version 2 (or lower) of the application.

In reply to by dblazin

I just tried on iOS and can confirm it glitches around the 2:00 mark. But again, since it works fine on Windows, and also works fine within MuseScore itself (both the desktop program on Windows and the iOS app), and no one else has reported a similar problem that I am aware of, it does seem a very specific problem with the website that you will need to report to the administrators of that website. Go to and then to the group Improving

In any case, it's a bug of some sort to be sure, but bugs happen, bugs get fixed, no need to give up on the amazing resource that is MuseScore!

No backwards compatibility is very common when the major version of a program changes.
However, you can export to musicxml in musescore 3 and import that back into musescore 2 if desired; chances are you'll end up with similar issues on though, as the score there is rendered by the server entirely and you don't influence that version.

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