Note input and drumset stuck on...screen frozen

• Mar 17, 2019 - 20:11

Version 2.3.2 Somehow the drumset is one square inch in the top left corner stuck on. Note input is stuck on. I cannot click on anything, nor could I save and turn this thing off. Totally stuck.
How did it happen? How do I get out of it.


In reply to by mike320

Okay. I got out by pressing play. Saved and closed it and now repeated process on a new file for this purpose. Feel better if score is not in peril.
Escape does get out of it...but it still reoccurs when you want to go to percussion.
Camera will no reach out of score.
I recall fatfingering something yesterday which resulted in what looked like two dots on the top of "palettes" if that's any help? If not, how do I take pic?

drumset is in rectangle from FILE to LAYOUT and won't move.

In reply to by penne vodka

Sorry I was gone so long. I learned something also...that it possible to get in the situation you are in. I can get my drumset toolbar to move at all, except a very slight resize.

If you can use your menu bar (perhaps press alt+h) after you exit note input mode. Revert to factory settings in the help menu.

In reply to by mike320

I got it fixed. To the right of "N" [note input] is a down arrow where I believe I fatfingered something, likely that. I went through each input type at random and the percussion set dropped down where it is supposed to hope you don't waste more time on this. (Perhaps this episode may prove useful at some point?)
Thanks again.

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