Pasting a tremolo on a bar of shorter duration crashes

• Mar 25, 2019 - 22:50

Hi, i dont think my english is good enough to explain this but i will try. Today i was working on a project and accidentally made a bar shorter than a tremolo between two notes it contained, this resulted in the tremolo lines getting messed up and when trying to undo (ctrl+z) the error the program crashes. Then i realized that also if i were to accidentally paste the longer tremolo into a smaller bar the program crashes instantly. This is something i did by mistake and fortunately i had saved recently the project but i could have potentially lost a lot of work, the program should show a warning message going "you cant do that" or something instead. I use 3.0.5.
I attach an example score if my explanation wasnt clear enough. If you try to make bar 3 into a 2/4 bar the lines get messed up and undo crashes, if you copy the tremolo in bar 3 into bar 2 the program crashes instantly.

Attachment Size
bug_muse.mscz 17.95 KB


In reply to by mike320

I dont know how this works but if i download a nightly it should have this kinds of fixes applied? I ask this because i dont know much about how the issue tracker works so it would be better for me to just download a nightly to try it out instead of searching in the issue tracker.

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