Possibility to copy dinamics and hairpins.

• Apr 2, 2019 - 00:37

Hi, gang!!!

I use MuseScore 3.0.5, in Ubuntu Studio 18.04.2 LTS (64 bit Linux).

I think it would be nice if MuseScore lets us to copy and paste some elements like dynamics and hairpins, from some staff to another.

Today, we can put this signs if we select, first, all the staves where we want to put them. Yes! It's right.

But... If we want to use some specific dynamics into some instruments (staves) only, and that instruments aren't one above the other (let's say... Flutes and Violins, that normally are very separated, in the orchestra score)... We cannot to copy and paste it.

One additional note is about this issue is because (up to my limited knowledge) MuseScore doesn't let us to select specific staves and/or bars with the "standard" [CONTROL]+[Right Mouse Button], as we can in other software. If we have 20 staves, and we want to select staff 1 and 5, only... We just can to select the full five staves range, from 1 to the 5, only. At least, I don't know how to select just the 1 and 5 staves, only. Is there some way to do it? ???

Just an idea.

Blessings and Greetings from Chile!!!



There is a sneaky workaround for this. First, open the filter selector (F6) and uncheck slurs unless you want those copied also. Next copy the selection of music you want the dynamics from. Next select the destination (or at least start of the destination) and press ctrl+shift+x twice. This will "paste" the dynamics and slurs into the destination. It sounds like this workaround might finally being eliminated in some future version, but for the time being it's still there. Don't forget to check "All" in the filter selector if you turned off slurs.

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