Can you get computed properties from notes?

• Apr 9, 2019 - 23:24

Hi MuseScore,

I am writing a piece that uses dynamics and harpins and while the inspector panel provides some information to control how much speed each element will change so far I have not found how to know at which speed each note will be played.

Is there a way to get such information somewhere?

I've checked the inspector and seems like all you can see is that the note have "auto" as speed, to indicate that its value will be calculated using te dynamics and harpins .. that's great news, which is what I want! although I need to do the search for the dynamic then the possible-many harpins until that note, and do the math in between.

It would be very useful to have some "computed properties" panel, which is very similar to the inspector panel, and it will show what are the computed values for such note. Very much like the browser's dev tools, which will show the different values for what each element is configured and what's been used for the page rendering.


This is not currently a feature of MuseScore. It sounds like it could be useful.

I'm not sure of how the new dynamics will work in version 3.1, but you will be able to have a dynamic change during a single note, which is not currently possible. I'm not even sure how it will work. It would also have a huge effect on the feature you are proposing.

I have not found how to know at which speed each note will be played.

If I understand correctly...
You mention the word "speed" and write about 'dynamics'.

When concerned with dynamics (and hairpins), perhaps you mean "velocity"?
If so...
When a note is clicked, one can set the 'Velocity type' to 'User' and enter a value.
This way, you can set the values for each note and see the 'computed values' for such notes.
(Sort of like having a 'computed property', as you mention)

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