Instruments change

• Apr 12, 2019 - 03:56

My trombone and flute parts both switch into a strings part during the score. I try to change it back, but when I click properties for the "string" parts, it would regularly appear as trombone/flute on the name. Same goes for the sounds. Please let me know as soon as possible about how this problem could be fixed.

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2019-04-11 at 7.52.36 PM.png 85.76 KB
My_Way.mscz 42.97 KB


In reply to by ribuez

You have used the text in the palette that says "instrument" for your "2nd time only" text. This is special text that allows you to change the instrument in the middle of the staff, not just give you bold text. It is causing undesirable effects. If you want bold text, then change the text to bold in the inspector (F8).

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