Help with understanding a score

• Apr 23, 2019 - 23:37


I have been looking at a score of Trouble (J. Leiber & M. Stoller), as performed by Elvis.

I'm trying to understand the section shown in the attached image.

Screenshot 2019-04-23 at 23.11.32.png

I have two questions.

Firstly, regarding the beaming, does the upper beam (2 quavers) refer to the upper line of lyric (talk - in') and the lower beam (a triplet of quavers) refer to the lower line of the lyric (flesh, blood and)?

Secondly, how do I input these two parts in Musecore (3)?

Many TIA,



Yes!!! It seems to be that the superior notes (normal size) are intended to the superior lyrics and the inferior notes (smaller size) are intended to the inferior lyrics.

In reply to by jotape1960

Well, the two lines of lyric are from separate verses and, if you look at the placement of the words in relation to the notes, it seems that the upper beamed notes relate to the upper verse, and the same for the lower. That is, I feel it is indicating a slightly different melody for each verse.

2 Verses so 2 times : First time, first verse with big notes, 2nd time, 2nd verse with little notes. But MS can't do that. If you want a "good audio" you must write the 2 times in following, with only a verse each.

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