Altering staff spacing?!

• May 1, 2019 - 01:41

I posted the stuff below a few days ago to the "newbie" forum. No replies, so I'm posting here in case this is NOT something obvious I'm missing, but an actual bug...

I'm a newbie to Musescore (Version running in win 10). Puzzled out most of it OK. I've got a lead sheet with music, chord symbols and lyrics. However, I've hit a brick wall trying to move the staves up and down a bit to pretty up the layout. So far, I've tried:
- altering all staff spacing
- altering space above one specific staff, and
- inserting a spacer above or below a staff.
The first two of these let me adjust y and hit OK, the last lets me play with little blue arrows. But NONE of these results in any of the staves moving at all. What am I missing?


A lead sheet is normally a single instrument so the spacing you need to adjust is the system distance. There are both min and max distances that can be adjusted.

A little more information. Every time a new line of music is created, no matter how many instruments from 1 to a million, it is considered a new system.

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