Musescore V3 Line Hook does NOT work

• May 8, 2019 - 15:49

When using "Lines>Line" from the tool palette there is a problem with the new version (3) of Musescore. This tool has an optional ability to add a hook at the line end points. In the old version (2) of Musescore this was done using a "Line Properties" selection from the right-click menu associated with the applicable line. In the new version (3) of Musescore it looks like "Line Properties" have been moved to the Inspector. However, when requesting that a hook is to be placed at the line end, NO hook is displayed. The attached files provide examples of trying to do the same thing, add a special kind of Ottava in Measure 4, with Version 3 as was done with Version 2.

Possibly I just haven't figured out how the new technique works but would be grateful for help. Another possibility is that V3 just isn't ready for prime time (so-to-speak).


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