Custom Staff Titles

• May 13, 2019 - 22:46

Is it possible to create staff titles like the ones in the picture (i.e with numbering very close to the staff, and the part name placed between two staves?)

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It is possible, but it will not allow you to show for example only Flute 1 or flute 2 when the other staff is invisible.

When you setup the instruments, add a staff to the instrument, not a new instrument.
Right click one of the staves and enter the name you want. (. represents a space in the instrument long name.




You can insert returns in the name to adjust the spaces as needed. This name will be centered on the two staves on the first system. As I indicated, On successive systems, the short name will always be displayed on the first instrument staff of the group and nothing on succeeding staves. You can also adjust the position of the long instrument names in Format->Style...Text styles->Long Instrument name

This is currently an extreme limitation that can only be overcome by using staff text and a lot of work to move the text for each instrument where it belongs in large symphonic scores. There is some talk about a feature that will make what you want easier, perhaps in the next few releases it will be improved.

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