moving dynamic symbols

• May 19, 2019 - 11:50

Hi there,

I seem to have some trouble moving dynamic symbols in my score. They always spawn, as usual, beneath the staff, but as I'm writing something for voices, it's more likely to place them above the staff, as I like to write lyrics beneath the staff, but this seems (unlike with MuseScore 2) impossible to do. Does anyone know if it's a bug, or just a part of the software? And does anyone know how to overcome this problem?

Thank you in advance!


Shortcut to flip between above/below - just press "X".

Also, if you have more voice staves than instrumental staves, it is worth while to et the default placement to above, in Format / Style / Dynamics. Or just hit the "S" (set as style) button in the Inspector after flipping one.

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