Measures per system.

• Jun 3, 2019 - 15:59


I have a 4 page piece of sax music. The page is laid out with 6 measures per system.
I could easily read 10 bars to a system.

How do I adjust this to increase the number of measures per system; and/or to decrease the font size fractionally and maybe also get an extra system per page.
Ideally Id like a 2 page piece of music



Use tools Add/remove system breaks and set the number to 10 and MuseScore will put breaks every 10 measures (bars in Britain). If you have a line of music with less that 10 measures followed by a line with the rest of the measures, the easiest way to fix this is to open Format->Page settings... and lower the scaling. There is a preview so you can see the effect of your changes and can click OK when it looks right in the preview.

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