Adding parts to Percussion

• Jun 6, 2019 - 23:42

Hello everybody, I am here to ask a question about how I can add a Tam-Tam to the Percussion part. I cannot seem to find the Tam-Tam on the percussion notation. Is there any way that I can do this? The only thing that I can think of is to create a custom note in order to do this and I am still not able to hear a Tam-Tam. And I want to be able to see and hear the note ON the Percussion part.


There is no real Tam-tam sound defined in the soundfont standard. You can find one if you search online for sf2 sound fonts and tam-tam. Follow the directions for adding a soundfont in the handbook, then the directions for adding an instrument to a drumset (or just change the tam-tam instrument's sound following those directions).

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