Musescore crashes when I open a certain piece, and opens every other one just fine.

• Jul 9, 2019 - 22:53

I am unable to open a file on Musescore. I opened Musescore, and when it brought up the Score Wizard, I selected the file. It crashed immediately after I clicked on the file. After this, I sent a report to Apple and opened Musescore again. I tried not restoring the session and clicking on the problem, and it crashed again. I tried restoring the session, and it also crashed. Opening the file from Finder brought up the Score Wizard again, and when I clicked on the file, it crashed.

I am using using MacOS 10.13.6 and Musescore 3.2.2. My file is linked below. Thank you for your help!

Attachment Size
Original_Tune.mscz 41.77 KB


The problem seems to have to do with a staff type change at the very beginning of the piece. This serves no real purpose - these elements are meant for mid-score changes. So here is your score with that element removed.

Attachment Size
Original_Tune.mscz 42.37 KB

In reply to by meowmeow25

Certainly, The normal way to shrink things is to change the staff size in Format / Page Setting - this affects everything uniformly. If you want to affect one staff but not others, you can right-click a staff and use Staff Properties then set it Small, or use the Scale setting. The staff type change, as mentioned, is only intended for mid-score changes, more for experimental notation than anything an ordinary user would ever have need for.

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