Dynamics issue with Mojave

• Jul 10, 2019 - 10:38

Hello guys,
I have a very annoying issue with the latest version of Musescore: very often it happends that I give a dynamic to a part, but the playback doesn’t play it where I put it but at the beginning of the following bar. I tried to upload a video as example but I can't, so I hope I've been clear. How can I fix it? I’m using a 2017 macbook pro 15” with touchbar, with the latest version of Mojave.

Thank you!

EDIT: I uploaded the issue on youtube. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/52pjiUOqJ80


In reply to by jeetee

I wasn't concerned with copyright :) It was a very long piece so I wanted to send you one fragment in which there's the problem, but by copy-pasting it in a new file the things worked, so I did as u said, and I don't know if the problem remains on other devices, that's why I made the video.

In reply to by solononsivedo

I can confirm this over here, not sure what causes it though.
I even tried removing the p there and placing a fff instead; no effect. It seems as if somehow all/any dynamic marking in there is ignored. Also replacing the notes in there with a copy from m3 didn't solve this either.

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