My file shows it as corrupted when I try to open...

• Jul 31, 2019 - 23:12

The error message is:
Measure 142, staff 18 incomplete. Expected: 4/4; Found: 0/1

I am working on a Mac, OSX 10.12.16 Sierra, using MuseScore3, v

I've uploaded the file... can someone please help?? Of course this happens after many hours of work, right before my deadline tomorrow.... >_<

I've tried deleting the measure and rewriting the notes, but didn't seem to work.

Attachment Size
Dreams From My Father.mscz 65.67 KB


Now that that's squared away, if you look at measure 140 onwards in the strings, there is a dotted quarter note designated as a triplet. Doesn't have to be. It should just be a regular quarter note. The triplets on rests that are consolidated into one note (dotted quarter) may cause MuseScore to do weird things eventually, if there are enough of them. But if that's the way you designed your music, dolcewang, then by all means use a tripletted dotted quarter rest, or whatever that is. That, or instead of 4/4 time, use 12/8. That way it's cleaner, less brackets.

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