Adding a slide to a note

• Sep 2, 2019 - 22:02

I want to indicate a slide for a note in my score. I am trying to follow the directions in the manual, but when I try to drag a slide marker to a note in my score, I just get a red circle with a line through it (indicating the function is not available) and nothing happens. I have tried this in "note entry" mode and not in "note entry" mode. To recap: I have the palette with the slide markers, but can't figure out how to get them in the score. When I drag and drop nothing happens. Please advise - thanks!


The circle changes to a plug once you get the pointer directly on top of the note, so zooming in could help. But, far better to forget about drag & drop and double-click the palette icon instead (after first selecting the note) - this is almost always more efficient.

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