Need for offline PDF converter

• Oct 11, 2019 - 18:30

Hey everybody

I really need an efficient PDF converter/importator. Does anyone knows if there is an alternative of this broken online converter on the website (it will be great to have a plugin for that - modder ?) ?
Moreover, it will be really nice from the musescore team to implement a PDF converter feature on the next version of the program.

Waiting for your replies !


That online converter uses Audiveris, but in a preset configuration, while the real one has a lot of tweaks and dials to improve the results. Also I'm not sure whether the online one uses the latest and greatest version. It is free.
I've seen reports here claiming that SharpEye is pretty good and not too expensive.

There are many commercial programs that can make the attempt, just do a web search for "optical music recognition" or "convert PDF to MusicXML". You'll find they all have varying degrees of success, not sure what specific problem you are having with the one on the website but you will find none are even close to perfect. Normally it is faster just to learn how to enter the music into MuseScore manually.

My favourite programme for optical music recognition is SharpEye, which I have used for several years. For best results, use TIFF files scanned as black and white @ 300 dpi.
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