Swing Style *Won't* Playback Swung

• Oct 11, 2019 - 21:04

Hi All,

I'm trying to create a piece in swung rhythm. I notated it in straight rhythms and then went to Format > Style > Score and turned Swing Settings on to Eighth Note 60% and clicked okay. I then hit playback and the piece plays back still in straight notation. Any ideas why?

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2019-10-11 at 4.03.52 PM.png 847.5 KB


Better is to attache the score as an picture. Did you add "Swing" from the text palette? Check the settings of swing by right click on the swing text->system text properties...->swing settings

for SWING at the eight, 2 eight notes will be played on 3 pulsations, 1 of 2 pulses and the 3rd on 1 pulse. But in your work it's almost sixteen notes, it's impossible to swing that. Try to take a swing with sixteen notes. The only place where your swing with eight is possible is when you have 3 or 4 eight notes in following, like the last measure

In reply to by jacobsamuel24

Generally, the word "swing" is sufficient and more accurate than any image showing an approximation.

BTW, you shouldn't be using both the swing text and the style setting. The swing text on its own is sufficient. To set its properties, right-click it and go to System Text Properties / Swing

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