"Save online" dialog randomly passing characters through to score.

• Oct 30, 2019 - 20:36

OS: macOS 10.15, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: cf84ff0

This has been happening occasionally in the past, but it is happening so much today in the version cited here that I am afraid to type at the Save Online dialog, and prepare the text in an editor.

What happens is, while typing a "description" into the "Save online" dialog, all of a sudden I hear a note or two and don't see that many characters, and find that the score has eaten the notes (and very hard to find where, what the change was, and remember how to fix it).

See if you can repro on this config. This is profoundly annoying. If this is "fixed in Qt 5.12", I will clasp my hands in restraint....


What ever the problem, I don't see it in the windows 64 bit version. I tried to save online a few scores and typed long descriptions with note input turn on and turned off without experiencing this. I'd be curious if someone could reproduce it on their machine with a Mac, then build it with QT 5.12.5 to see if the problem still exists.

I'm curious if saving the score to assure it's not marked dirty will help overcome the problem so you can undo the extra notes...Well, I guess that's a bad idea because undo will probably remove the source in score properties and break the link to the online location.

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