joining the note lines of treble and bass clef

• Nov 5, 2019 - 00:43

Hey! I was wondering if it were possible to join the lines of the treble and bass clefs for instruments which include both (piano, harp...). In certain melodic passages, I progress from the bass clef up through the treble and vice verca, And which the note lines (tails) to join so it appears as one smooth passage. At the moment I have to add rests in between the notes which are not actioned in the particular clef and it is a little time consuming and messy in appearance.. If not available at the moment is it a feature that could be implemented? It's the only thing I find missing with the software!


In reply to by jeetee

Perhaps the OP's problem is with the rests in the stave that the cross staff note are moved to. If so, be aware that these can be made invisible by selecting the offending rests (click on first rest, shift click on last rest). Then right click -> select -> All similar in range selection and press V. It may be easier to do this before shifting the cross staff notes, as they may over lap the rests on the "move to" stave.

Thanks for the responses guys!
I have attached a screenshot of an example I made for this purpose. The first bar is currently how I have designed this A Mj7 arp, the second bar is my best attempt at joining the bar lines for both clefs. However as you can see, there are a few notes not connected (G and B), I was hoping to represent it as one smooth passage and have the tails of every note in the bar connected if possible?

The comment about hiding the rests is greatly appreciated! That was my other concern and it's awesome that it is already possible so thanks :)

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2019-11-06.png 117.06 KB

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