Bars stretching the entire width of the line!!

• Dec 20, 2019 - 12:10

Hello everyone

I have suddenly found (at bar 20, of the piece!) that bars are stretching to fill an entire line and I don't seem to be able to prevent or correct this. The rest of the piece is mostly 2 bars per line, so I don't understand why this is suddenly happening now... I cannot get bars 20 and 21 on the same line, so I would greatly appreciate any help.


Attachment Size
The Scent of Love.mscz 29.22 KB


That is a MuseScore 2.3.1 score, you should update to 2.3.2 and 3.3.4 ...

Measurew 20 ends with a system break, but even if you remove that, measures 20 and 21 are to busy to fit into one system using the current settings, you'd need wider paper, smaller borders, or a different overall staff space setting, or apply less stretch. I've used tha latter (and removed all system breaks

Attachment Size
The Scent of Love.mscz 28.3 KB

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