Tablature / "Stems and beams" not working right?

• Jan 10, 2020 - 10:00

In "Staff/Part Properties | Advanced Style Properties | Note Values", I selected "Stems and beams" in the TOP VOICE only. However, it doesn't seem to be working properly. Maybe I am missing another setting or the selected font plays a role!?

Any idea what is happening here?

Thanks, Gary



In reply to by cadiz1

I am preparing this score for a course and the organizer asked if I can display the rhythms like in this score from Serge Gerbode (attached).

What I am trying to achieve is "attached" rhythm markings (which is exactly what the preview shows in Musescore when I select "Stems and beams").

Attachment Size
milano_004.pdf 21.46 KB

In reply to by garbo

Again, the display of stems and beams is not intended for historical tablatures, only for modern tablatures. As said, one can get the result of Gerbode, but by editing beams afterwards in a certain way and in a certain configuration. Please read the topic (link given above) and try to do so. If you encounter difficulties, feel free to say where you are exactly (with a file at this precise step).

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