Install in Classroom?

• Jan 10, 2020 - 15:06

I teach at a community college in a lab that has 21 seats. Is it possible to install MuseScore 3 in a lab setting? Is there a link somewhere for a download that allows install to more than one user computer...? Any advice about how to best set-up the software for a lab situation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


I'm not expert on such installations, but assuming these are 21 separate computers, most straightforward is to just install it on each. That might not be the way to go for software that uses license servers etc, but other than the fact that it takes a few extra minutes of time, it would work fine with MuseScore, and then each installation would automatically have separate access to its own settings etc, which probably makes sense.

But if the idea is actually to have the seats not seem separate, but to instead appear the same on each seat (so you can login on any computer and see your own settings, assuming everyone has their own login and you don't use a generic one per-seat like some labs do), probably you can do this by installing once to whatever shared drive you use. May still need to do some tweaking of things to make sure everyone has a program icon on their desktop etc, details probably differ for Windows/macOS/Linux.

Feel free to describe the environment in more detail and hopefully others can share ideas.

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