Guitar Strum/Arpeggio Duration Randomizer
Hey, I recently found that Musescore 3 finally lets you choose how long (or short) your guitar strum is. Is there anything that can automatically randomize the duration of strums that I select to make it sound more realistic? (e.g from 0.3 to 0.6)
Also, is there anything that automatically puts up/down strums for guitars when writing music? It's tedious to repeatedly put in up/down strums by hand.
". Is there anything that can automatically randomize the duration of strums that I select to make it sound more realistic? (e.g from 0.3 to 0.6)"
Automatically randomize? I don't think so as far as know.
"Also, is there anything that automatically puts up/down strums for guitars when writing music? It's tedious to repeatedly put in up/down strums by hand."