multiple volta repeat audio playback

• Jan 24, 2020 - 11:43

Hi There, i can't seem to figure out how to get my line with a multiple volta repeat to play the actual amounts the line needs to be repeated. I know that is should be possible and that you can change it in the Inspector but i haven't managed as of yet. could someone help me out here?

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The measure with the :| needs to get its play count set to 3 via measure properties , the volta 1.2. needs to gets its repeat list set to "1,2" via inspector, the volta 3. needs the repeat list set to 3

Set the RepeatList property of the first volta to 1, 2 and for the last volta to 3.
Right-click (Ctrl-click on Mac) the measure containing the end repeat barline. Open up the measure properties for it from the popup-menu. Then change the play count value from 2 to 3.

In reply to by Enrico Garcia

As each repeat is taken only one time, their should be no need to change the play count for those measures; keep them all at 2.
Then make sure the repeatList for each volta contains the correct repeat indicator (in your example, they should match with the text). So volta 1 gets repeatList value 1, volta 2 gets repeatList value 2, the third volta uses a value of 3 for its repeatList and the last volta has it set to 4.

Make sure you have at least MuseScore v2.1 or later for playback to be correct

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