Is there a chord name symbol to indicate an harmonic minor scale?

• Feb 6, 2020 - 15:50

Is there a chord name symbol it indicate an harmonic minor scale?

At the moment I am putting an "h" with brackets, but it is clumsy and looks ugly.

(The (tt) in the image represents that the bass note varries between Eb and its tritone.
Har M - tt.PNG


For Dorian mode, it must be 7 next to the chord name= example: Gm7
If there is no 7 next to the chord name, it means what you want = Gm
If you just type in Gm, it means: "Current key".

Nevertheless, there is a danger that the player will add sixth degree of chord with his own initiative.

(previous post deleted: reason: misunderstanding).

I'd write Gmi(ma7). The could potentially suggest melodic minor as well, but the "/Eb" fixes that. If that weren't there, you could add "b13" to clarify this.

I wouldn't complicate things further with the "tt", it's already more than more people are comfortable with. Plus it interferes with the parsing of the Eb. At most I'd consider adding another chord symbol "(/A)" next to this one. or a simple text explanation, as neither what you wrote nor what I suggested really connotes alternating.

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