How do I move whole measures?
I have finished a twelve-bar blues transcription but don't like how it's laid out. I want to move measures so that there are four measures per line. I can't find information on how to do that once the composition is completed. Can you help? Thanks.
Move "line break" marks (first in the "breaks and spaces" palette) to the fourth and eighth measures. See .
In reply to Move "line break" marks … by [DELETED] 1831606
Thank you. I’ll give this a try today.
Or use Format / Add/Remove System Breaks to add them every four measures automatically.
In reply to Or use Format / Add/Remove… by Marc Sabatella
When Robert Johnson and Skip James sang the blues, they didn't have either facility....
In reply to When Robert Johnson and Skip… by [DELETED] 1831606
Ah... Yes indeed...
This quote...
"I don't care how tragic your life: if you own even one computer, you cannot sing the blues."
is taken from:
It's a relatively new addition (compared to the other, older "rules").
In reply to Ah... Yes indeed... This… by Jm6stringer
Very excellent and relevant. MS/QML can set color properties easily, so any notes can become it were. There's another classic article (Onion?) interviewing the "deserted woman" of a canonical blues singer --- I will try to find it...
In reply to Very excellent and relevant… by [DELETED] 1831606
THIS IS IT!… People, perhaps not Americans, not familiar with the rhetorical idiom of the classic blues may not "get" this.
In reply to THIS IS IT! https:/… by [DELETED] 1831606
Ha! ...LOL!
Thanks for sharing... and researching. I never saw that one.
(Would have made a good Saturday Night Live sketch back in the day - even had the gasoline reference.)
In reply to Ha! LOL! Thanks for sharing… by Jm6stringer
That is so literate, so jam-packed laden with actual riffs from classic old songs. "you know what I'm talkin' about...." (-rj)